The Rift is hosted by me, Saqib Tahir - I am a Product Manager, podcaster, and writer.

I have been working closely with tech startups and software businesses for over a decade. Helping deliver products, big and small, across a wide variety of categories.

I started writing for my blog in 2018 where I talked about the latest trends in tech. As time went by, I gained more experience, so I expanded to other formats.

The Rift is my take on exploring ideas at the intersection of tech, business, and product.

I wanted to share my experiences in an easy to understand format for anyone looking for guidance or just another perspective.

There is a thing about ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ - Every next generation has advantages that the previous didn’t. And I hope I can offer you some advantages along the way.

What to expect?

Each issue will cover a topic within the domains of Product, Tech, and/or Business.
The Rift is positioned to help those who are in early stages of developing their idea. All the content will be focused on helping you get your next project off the ground.

So, if you’re a founder, professional, or just someone who loves tech - this will be a worthwhile journey to tag on along.

The best way to keep the show running is by showing up.

Subscribe to The Rift

9/10 Tech Startups Fail. Beat the odds with straightforward Product-Business explainers.


Creating The Rift - My take on exploring ideas at the intersection of tech, business, and product.